Development controller

This is how development controller looks like from far away:

import { developmentController } from 'core/controllers';

const development = developmentController({
  noBackendMode: false,


The flag is showing whether your app is ready to connect with backend or not. If set to true, login page will automatically authenticate you with any data passed to it, and the function checking your authentication and user role, would always allow you to any protected route.


The property await the controller to be passed:

import { urlParsersController } from 'core/controllers';

const urlParsers = urlParsersController({
  dataToUrl: (data: Record<string, any>): string => {
    return '?query=value';
  urlToData: (query: Record<string, any> = {}): Record<string, any> => {
    return {};

There are two functions which do opposite work: dataToUrl accepts any form data and returns query string that will be passed to the GET request for some data from backend.

urlToData takes the query object and proxies it to the form data. Query string, in this case, is parsed by the Vue router.


This function is responsible for handling any error incoming from the backend requests:

import { errorParserController } from 'core/controllers';

const errorParser = errorParserController((err) => ({
  fields: err?.data?.errors?.fields || {},
  message: err?.data?.message || '',

errorParser should return the object with message property explaining the error and the fields property. It is an object where key is the name of a form field (check generic forms explanation) and value is a string explaining the error in the field.


Function used every time user enters the app to check his/her authentication status and role:

import { dataToProxy, Response } from 'app/requests/login';
import { profileRequestController } from 'core/controllers';

export interface Response {
  result: {
    user: {
      id: number,
      login: string,
      phone: string,
      roleTitle: string,
      roles: string[],
  token: string,

const profileRequest = profileRequestController(async ({ api }) => {
  try {
    const res: Response = await api.get('auth/profile');
    const proxied = {
      token: res.token,
      role: res.result.user.roles?.length ? res.result.user.roles[0] : null,
      user: res.result.user,

    return { error: null, data: proxied };
  } catch (e) {
    return { error: 'Error', data: null };

Function must return the object of restricted type wrapped in RequestCallback (read about it in "requests"):

interface ProfileRequestResponse {
  role: string | null,
  token: string,
  user: any,

After all, the used is saved in the store, token is kept in local storage and role is used to check any route change. How roles affect the routing is explained here.


Validator is an object that extends the pre-defined validators from the core of Magner.

To understand, let's see how validation is used over any field in any form:

const phoneField = {
  type: 'input',
  name: 'phone',
  validation: [{
    type: 'phone',
    trigger: 'blur',
  }, {
    type: 'empty',
    trigger: 'blur'
  props: {
    type: 'tel',
    placeholder: '+7-000-000-00-00',
    mask: {
      mask: '+7-###-###-##-##',

Therefore, validation property is used always in the same way: it specifies on which event it will fire (possible are blur or change), and which type of validator to run. You can pass an array of validations to apply several checks on a field.

The list of pre-defined validators is very limited:

  • empty - Special function. Works as a 'required' field and is disabled when editing the entity form (to allow PATCH method)
  • password – Check if a field is longer than 6 symbols
  • email – Check if email is valid

Validation can be easily customized. Just define the controller:

import { validationController, TranslateError, translate } from 'magner';

const validation = validationController({
  passwordConfirm: ({ value, form }, callback) => {
    if (value && form.password !== value) {
      callback(new TranslateError('Passwords do not match!'));
    } else if (!value) {
      // Returns translation into the currently selected language (check i18n configuration)
      callback(new TranslateError(translate('validations.password')));
    } else {

First argument of the custom validator is a data you can use to check field's value. Second argument is callback. If callback argument is new Error("message"), the error will be shown over the field.